Thursday, July 21, 2011

Doors Slammed Shut

I didn't ask to become a vampire. I was chosen by my master. Now he wants me to be more accepting of witchcraft and the evil witch who has made every attempt to make us miserable! What the hell?

This has been coming for a long time. I have always known it, but have been hoping for the best. Hope...that is a ridiculous notion for a vampire. There is NO hope. No happy ending, no pleasure for me.

I am so tired. Just as I break one spell this evil witch casts, two more are in the works. It leaves me wondering if all this is worth my time and energy. Should I just let her have him? He wouldn't even notice, her spells are strong.

The final death is a real option and I have been tempted. But I think what I would really enjoy is going rouge. Ferrel and feared....

If only he would let me feed. A real feed, but he won't. He has no desire to anymore. He told me so. It has been over 2 years now, but long for an old, ancient vampire like my master. But I am young and my needs are great. He wishes I was someone else.... just like a vampire.

And you know how these things end....with a stake in the heart or a head on the floor.. But whose heart and whose head? Shake your magic 8-Ball, might be surprised.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

It's Never Going to End

It's a funny statement for a vampire, but it's true. The same witch who stocked us, tried to bewitch us and kill us is at it again. This time she takes the form of a loving, demanding soul (yes, still the same woman) trying to become one of us. She claims that she just wants to be friends and to become, literally, one of US! Master is intrigued by this latest attempt and seems to be enjoying her attention.

DAMN SPELLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's going to have to be on me, it seems. Rage had a face, it would be mine. I'm fed up! I am done! If she wants him so damn badly, she can have him. He obviously wants her....

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Starting to Take Off

We have been selling jewelry on our two Etsy shops and on our website. One shop is for his steampunk and classic jewelry (many pieces are Victorian in nature) and the other shop is for my funky, hippie hemp items. As hard as it is for a vampire to admit, I enjoy making our items to sell. I manage both online shops and our website. We work most nights and still have our other jobs.

Master has been feeding me a little bit now. Not like before, but I take what I can get. I do miss our outright blood baths. The smell, the taste, the feel of warm sticky crimson life-force all over my......oh, I better stop. Things are getting moist......

Jewelry, yes, we are making it and it is starting to sell. Good. Aye.

If you are interested.

Friday, May 20, 2011

A Spree!!!!!

It's a funny word, Spree. Put in front of the word "shopping," and it sounds like a wonderful day/evening out. But put it in front of "killing," and for some reason it just sounds like heaven! And if you add the word "Karma," then WOW!

Karma Killing Spree

Impressive, isn't it? Letting karma do your dirty work. The problem comes when impatience becomes unbearable.

Speaking in riddles, well get used to it. I'm pissed and there are too many reasons to voice.

Ever get the feeling that something is going on, just outside of your realm, but has a major impact on every aspect of your existence? I've got that in spades.

A full feeding is still out of my hands. Nibbles here and there.....I am going mad. Hunger lust sounds about right. And to top it off, my master has decided that we are no longer doing our ceremony and he won't let me feed on him.

So basically, he was never truly my master, or he has rejected me. Off to find a shoulder to chew on...... how about yours? Turn around slowly and see!

Just kidding....

Vampire for hire. I could be the Karma Vampire. You need an evil doer out of your life, call me and I feed on them until they no longer pose a negative threat to you. It's called Pushing Karma, and in truth, I don't recommend it. It can come back to haunt you. Guilt can be far worse than the original act.

I need a smoke. AND I need for these damn painters to stop leering at me. I would "take care of them," but I need them to finish their work. Listen to a vampire scream. Ready? NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Getting ready for Changes

Master has lived for a VERY long time. I can't say exact years....I'd get in trouble. But every 40 years or so, when he has to 'start over,' he likes to pick up a different career path. This time it is jewelry making. He spends every night, all night learning and honing his new craft. Benefit for me, I get to try out his creations. So what style of jewelry does a vampire make? All kinds. Classic, modern (yes a vampire CAN know what modern is), steam punk and Gothic. Side note: I've been making hippie jewelry for years.

Friday, March 11, 2011

It Keeps Going On

I am not sure what to write about. I am lonely. Nothing new. Master has kept me in the dark (metaphorically speaking) for so long now. Our neighborhood is free off all rodents (including squirrels), cats and dogs under 20 pounds. No, not really. I spared a couple of poodles (too much hair.) Yes, I have been reduced to foraging. Not a proud vampiric moment. But I must survive, right?

We went out a few nights ago and ran into some old pirates we have hung out with in the past. It was fun. They aren't really pirates (well, I suppose they could be, I don't know them THAT well.) They were tempting me with their live warm necks, damn why won't my master feed me or let me feed on others? It is almost unbearable going into a crowded bar, have people brush against me as they come and go, hearing their heart beat quicken when they start to wonder if I might be what they think I might be. Smelling fear mixed with alcohol to a point where their curiosity forces them to speak to me. It is intoxicating! And frustrating. Master just laughs at me.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I Lied

I didn't go to Japan. Just went to sleep. I can't tell you where I slept, but the sounds of fireworks woke me. New Year's Eve. Master would have let me sleep forever if he had it his way. But I woke, and I am hungry. Watch out!