Wednesday, February 3, 2010

How old ARE you?

My master works at an old age home (assisted living facility.) He has for as long as I have known him. He loves it. He enjoys talking, listening to stories and reminiscing about days gone by. I tried working there, but I couldn't handle it. I see the sad loneliness, he sees historical triumph. I see what I should look and feel like, he sees his victory over age. Truth be told, I should have been pushing up daises many years ago and don't get me started on how old he is. Why hang out near the cemetery, when you can be near the strip club (theater, art gallery, night club, mall, etc.) I crave vibrant, pulsating life. To "plug in" and drain life arouses me. I guess because he is much older than I, he needs less. If I am not draining, working on draining or gloating over a draining, I am hollow. Reading this I realize I sound shallow, but try floating on rubber raft, then jump in.

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